Friday, June 3, 2011

Blog Assignment 8: Propaganda in Advertising/PR

Online, I came across a billboard ad for McDonald’s Egg McMuffin:

  In my opinion, the ad uses at least two of the propaganda techniques described in Wikipedia’s “Propaganda techniques” article: “intentional vagueness” and “appeal to fear.” 

  “Intentional vagueness” is a propaganda technique in which deliberately vague generalities are employed, so that the audience or onlookers have to come up with their own interpretations, and thus focus their attention on the information presented. The reasons behind the application of certain phrases or their validity may not be entirely clear, and explicit ideas are not simply laid out. The McDonald’s ad makes use of this propaganda technique, as the audience will likely not immediately associate the phrase “don’t stare too long you’ll miss the train” with the advertised product, the Egg McMuffin. Placing this phrase underneath the product enables advertisers to promote the product subtly. Onlookers must think about the connection between the product and the phrase, when they see this billboard ad. 

   The propaganda technique “appeal to fear” creates fear and anxiety among people to garner support. In the McDonald’s ad, fear is created through the implication that one will “miss the train” when one spends time staring at the billboard ad instead of immediately buying an Egg McMuffin. Onlookers are prompted to feel like they need to hurry to buy the product or negative consequences will follow.

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